The story focuses on Ichika Orimura, discovered to be the first ever male IS pilot. Set in the near future, a powered exoskeleton called 'Infinite Stratos' (IS), which possesses advanced technology and combat capabilities, changes the world including a major effect on society, as only women can pilot IS. The anime is produced by 8-Bit, directed by Yasuhito Kikuchi, series composition by Fumihiko Shimo, character design by Tomoyasu Kurashima, art directed by Shunichiro Yoshihara and sound directed by Masafumi Mima and Toshihiko Nakajima. Infinite Stratos is an anime series adapted from the light novels of the same title written by author Izuru Yumizuru and illustrator Okiura published by Media Factory. Cover of the first DVD/Blu-ray volume of Infinite Stratos as released by Media Factory on March 30, 2011.